Tuesday, August 23, 2011

7 Years Late

So what does one say for the very first post on her blog?  Frankly, I'm about 7 years late because I'd usually rather keep my thoughts to myself.  Truthfully, there are some very good and some very mediocre blogs in the creative/fashion world.  Do I have anything to contribute?  Probably nothing terribly meaningful.  However, when I visit some of my favorite blogs, I always end up googling further the tidbits that interest me.  The name of an artist, or look for images of a place, etc.  The sole fact that I’m educating myself by looking at blogs and therefore finding things to include in my own blog is worthwhile for me.   I know there are beautiful images all over the internet, but not enough stories about the people behind the lens, or an explanation as to what makes something special.  I hope that I can bring some contexts to my favorite places, the people who inspire me, and the beauty that can be found in the smallest of places.